首饰该如何搭配1.根据皮肤色调选择暖色调:戴金色显白冷色调:带银色显白也根据个人的风格而决定首饰穿搭的颜色2.双层叠戴法则一长一短 一主一次以此显得更协调3.颜色协调金配金 银配银 浅金配银也可混搭4.v领配短链,以彰显首饰的细节5.主次分明项链耳饰戴的位置相近 二者挑其一戴有存在感点的6.减法法则全身上下首饰不要超过3件,避免过于臃肿俗气。
READ MORECustomized products to jewelry manufacturers in China
READ MORENecklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings are really diverse. You can sell gold, silver, nickel, diamonds, gemstones, shells, beads -- you name it, there's probably an audience for it. The choice and color combinations are seemingly endless. One fundamental reason why you should invest in fashion j
READ MOREOriginally, costume or fashion jewelry was made of inexpensive simulated gemstones, such as rhinestones or lucite, set in pewter, silver, nickel, or brass. During the depression years, rhinestones were even down-graded by some manufacturers to meet the cost of production.The same glamorous effect of